Human Sexuality, Love, Marriage, and the Pursuit of Beatitude
- Doyen Nguyen |

The last several decades have witnessed a relentless disintegration in the moral fabric of human society, especially in Western countries. Nowhere is this more evident than in the realm of human sexuality and marriage, where permissiveness for sexual hedonism, under the banner of freedom, equality, and non-discrimination, has become, as it were, the law of the day.
The harmful consequences on men and women caused by the widespread moral disintegration in human sexuality are self-evident, as attested by the increase in divorce (even among Catholics), broken families, poverty, and sexual exploitation of women, among others. Part and parcel with such moral disintegration is that young people, in addition to being exposed at quite an early age to a culture oversaturated with sex, are not taught (whether at school or at home) the values that make marriage and parenthood possible. Will they, as adults, be able to embrace the lifetime commitment of marriage with steadfast faithfulness?
For those of the Catholic faith, however, there is a powerful “tool” to avert the harmful influence of the contemporary hedonistic culture. It is none other than the Church’s teaching on human sexuality and marriage – a teaching which, being grounded in Sacred Scriptures and having evolved organically over the centuries, offers a solid and holistic vision of the beauty of human sexuality and marriage.
This course is specifically designed to help Catholics (especially young adults) to rediscover the Church’s teaching on human sexuality and marriage. It is hoped that this will help married couples live out their marriage as a love-flourishing and life-giving reality, and as a common journey to holiness.
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Course Information
Human Sexuality, Love, Marriage, and the Pursuit of Beatitude -- Doyen Nguyen, OP, M.D., S.T.D.
1. What is Beatitude? Christian Moral-Spiritual Life is Teleological (Augustine, Thomas Aquinas, Veritatis Splendor)
2. Basic Principles in Catholic Moral Theology (Human Acts, Conscience)
3. How Did We Arrive at the Current Situation? – The Sexual Revolution
4. Human Sexuality in Sacred Scriptures – An Overview
5. Human Sexuality in the Catholic Tradition – A Brief Survey
6. Human Sexuality in the Contemporary Magisterium (part I)
7. Theological development (von Hildebrand, Wojtyla)
8. Human Sexuality in the Contemporary Magisterium (part II) – Defense of Humanae Vitae
9. Synthesis: a Holistic Understanding of the Church’s Teaching on Human Sexuality – Marriage, a Love-Flourishing and Life-Giving Reality, and a Common Journey to Holiness.
10. Homosexuality
11. Transgenderism
12. Concluding Remarks – Chastity in Sexual Education
Doyen Nguyen, OP, M.D, S.T.D. is both a moral theologian and an academic hematopathologist. A graduate of Temple University Medical School (Philadelphia, USA) and a scholar of the Leopold Schepp Foundation, she is a lay Dominican who, in addition to having worked (and taught medical residents) at various university medical centers, was also a professor of theology at the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas (Angelicum) in Rome (Italy) where she obtained her doctorate in moral theology, with a special focus on end-of-life ethics. She has authored books and articles both in medicine and in moral theology/bioethics. Among her recent publications is the 600-page monograph The New Definitions of Death for Organ Donation: A Multidisciplinary Analysis from the Perspective of Christian Ethics (Peter Lang, April 2018. ISBN 978-3-0343-3277-4).

Doyen Nguyen