Our study & further education offer is aimed at all those who, according to Edmund Husserl’s maxim „back to the things themselves“, are interested in truth and reality in a realistic sense. Realism assumes that things, reality, and objective truth exist independently of the thinking human being. We are therefore scientifically searching for answers to the great philosophical questions concerning man, the world, and God (in the sense of Kant’s four basic questions „What can I know?“). - „What should I do?“ - „What can I hope for?“ „What is man?“ (Cf. Kant, Logik, Einleitung, Ak 25)). It is therefore not about doxography or the history of philosophy, but about systematic research and argumentation, which is also open to „ultimate justifications“. As far as philosophy is concerned, the APT is in the tradition of the Philosophia perennis but is not bound to any particular philosophical school of thought. Theologically, the APT is Christian / Catholic-traditional.